Tuesday 4 October 2016

CAN Bus Project part 5: Arduino Sketch

This is part 5 in my project to link my Arduino to a Texas Instruments Launchpad using CAN.

Below is my code to link an Arduino to a Microchip MCP2515 CAN chip. (I've put the code on my gitHub also). It builds on the code in previous posts. Its function is to grab a temperature off the thermistor I described in part 2, and shove the value out on the CAN Bus.

I'm not going to talk through every line of the code here. The basic flow follows the "Transmit Message Flowchart" in the MCP2515 datasheet. I've added plenty of comments, so it shouldn't be too hard to follow.  For those of you  totally unfamiliar with embedded coding, I may post a basic introduction to some of the standard coding practices (how to set/clear bits in a register etc.) at some point.

Next time I'll move on from the Arduino and start talking about the other end of the link: The Tiva Launchpad.

/* VoltageBias - the Blog * Gilbert Waltoon
* Released under a GNU General Public License v3.0
* PURPOSE : Sends temperature data from Arduino Uno via CANBus.
* Uses Microchip MCP2515 CAN transceiver IC.
* See VoltageBias - the blog, for full details.
* Arduino hook-up guide:
* SPI CS : Uno pin 7 (selectable) - see file MCP2515_Registers.h
* SPI MOSI: Uno pin 11
* SPI MISO: Uno pin 12
* SPI SCK: Uno pin 13
* Power rail etting : 5V
* ******************************************************************
SETTINGS - Change me!!!!!
#define RESET_ON_RESTART (true) // Reset MCP2515 when Sketch restarts
#define CNF1_TIMING (0x01) // Using 8MHz-Xtal on NiREN board so
#define CNF2_TIMING (0x9A) // set MCP2515 CAN timing registers
#define CNF3_TIMING (0x07) // accordingly.
//See https://www.kvaser.com/support/calculators/bit-timing-calculator/
// **********************************************************************
// Globals and Includes
#include <SPI.h>
#include "MCP2515_Registers.h"
#include "Thermistor_helper.h"
int msgData =0; // will contain the message data to be transmitted.
int msgSID =0; // will contain CAN-message identifiers.
// *******************************************************
// Sketch setup...
void setup() {
pinMode(chipSelectPin, OUTPUT);
//Start the Serial monitor
//I nitialise the SPI link to thr MCP2515
SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(1400000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0));
140 000 000 here gives Sck period c.120ns i.e. 8MHz
14 000 000 gives Sck 1us i.e. 1MHz
SPI_MODE0 corresponds to CPOL 0, CPHA 0
SPI_MODE1 corresponds to CPOL 0, CPHA 1
resetIns(); //call reset function (see MCP2515_Registers.h)
// Enter MCP2515 configuration mode using setMode()
// function defined in MCP2515_Registers.h,
// and set up CAN bit timing registers.
while ( !setMode("Configuration") ) {};
writeIns(CNF1, CNF1_TIMING);
writeIns(CNF2, CNF2_TIMING);
writeIns(CNF3, CNF3_TIMING);
// Bit timing registers above are write-protected
// outside of 'Configuration' mode so, for safety,
// check they were successfully modified
while ( readIns(CNF1) != CNF1_TIMING ) {
Serial.println("Failed to write to CNF1");
while ( readIns(CNF2) != CNF2_TIMING ) {
Serial.println("Failed to write to CNF2");
while ( readIns(CNF2) != CNF2_TIMING ) {
Serial.println("Failed to write to CNF3");
// Set MCP2515 mode to normal operation
while ( !setMode("Normal") ) {};
// Abort any pending transmissions
// by setting the ABAT bit of the CANCTL register
bitModifyIns(CANCTRL, ABAT, ABAT);
// Clear the abort-transmission instruction above
bitModifyIns(CANCTRL, ABAT, 0b00000000);
//Load TXB0SIDH transmission register with 0's
ldTxBuffIns(LD_TXB0SIDH_INS, 0x0);
//Set CAN frames as Data frames of 1 byte by
//configuring TXB0DLC register.
writeIns(TXB0DLC, readIns(TXB0DLC) & (~RTR) & (~DLC3) &
(~DLC2) & (~DLC1) | DLC0 );
//Don't trigger interrupts upon transmission
bitModifyIns(CANINTE, TX0IE, ~TX0IE);
//Configure RXB0 receiver to accept al1 messages
bitModifyIns(RXB0CTRL, RXM1 | RXM0, RXM1 | RXM0);
//Don't use pins for interrupts
bitModifyIns(BFPCTRL, B0BFM, ~B0BFM);
//Don't use RX interrupts
bitModifyIns(CANINTE, RX0IE, ~RX0IE);
//Clear any 'RXBuffer full' interrupts
bitModifyIns(CANINTF, RX0IF, ~RX0IF);
Serial.println("Completed setup");
// end of setup()
// **********************************************
// *********************************************
// Main Sketch loop...
void loop() {
//get some temperature data to act as message data
msgData = getThermistorTemperature();
//Load TXB0 buffer with message data
ldTxBuffIns(LD_TXB0D0_INS, msgData);
// Set CAN message ID to value of msgData,
// and set EIXDE = 0 (=standard, non-extended, identifer)
writeIns(TXB0SIDL, ( readIns(TXB0SIDL) & (~EXIDE) & (~SID0) &
(~SID1) & (~SID2) ) | (msgSID << 5) );
//Request TXB0 CAN buffer to send its data
//Print some status info. to the serial monitor
Serial.print("Sending temperature="); Serial.print(msgData);
Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print("With SID=");
//wait for message to go
// call check4Errs() (see Registers.h)
// to print any errors on serial monitor.
//increment the message ID
msgSID = (msgSID + 1) % 8;
//wait a bit, then loop.
// END
// *************************

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